Family Dinner on 11/18
On Wednesday, November 18th, Mount Moriah #39 will host a family dinner at 6:30. All Brothers, visiting Brothers, prospective members, family and friends are welcome. It will be a Thanksgiving feast!
On Wednesday, November 18th, Mount Moriah #39 will host a family dinner at 6:30. All Brothers, visiting Brothers, prospective members, family and friends are welcome. It will be a Thanksgiving feast!
Mt Moriah #39 has the following events coming up. Wednesday, November 11th, Called Communication. The lodge has tentatively planned an EA degree, pending availability of the candidate. We will be meeting at 7. All Brothers, visiting Brothers, and Entered Apprentices are welcome. Wednesday, November 18th, Family Dinner. All Brothers, visiting Brothers, prospective members, family and…
Mount Moriah #39 will have dinner on Wednesday, November 4th at 6:30 PM. At 7:30 we will have our stated business meeting. Our stated meetings are opened on the first degree. All Brothers and visiting Brothers are welcome!
Greetings! Hello my Brothers. As the shadow of our year grows longer, it is again time to begin discussing Grand Lodge Resolutions, The Holiday Season and the Masonic Town Hall Meeting. The G.L. Resolutions will be read at the Stated Meetings in October and November. Our Lodge will vote at the November Stated on the…
Greetings from the West September went by in a flash. We had the honor of welcoming a new brother into Freemasonry and we will be able to do so again in October. As this year comes to its end officers should be ready for their next chair during degrees. Everyone has done such a great…
Brethren, I bring you Greetings from the South Is it possible that October is already here? The year has flown by and we have reached the last full month of lodge events before the holiday shortened lodge events of November and December. On October 7th, we will be having Food & Fellowship at 6:30pm prior…
Brethren, as we get prepared for the upcoming holiday season and the end of our masonic year I’d like to encourage you all to come out and visit lodge. Whether you attend a stated and exercise your right to vote and have a say in lodge affairs, charitable good, or regular business, or you choose…
Mt Moriah #39 will have family dinner this Wednesday, October 21 at 6:30. All Brothers, visiting Brothers, family, prospects, and invited friends are welcome to attend. We’ve been promised that a guest chef will be preparing a special dish for this dinner, so come on down and check it out!
Mt Moriah #39 will be convening at 7PM on October 14th for an EA degree. All Brothers and visiting Brothers are welcome. Come on out and support our candidate as he begins his Masonic journey!
The following events are upcoming for October 2015. Mt Moriah #39 Casual Dinner – Wednesday, October 7th from 6:30-7:30 Burgers, fries, and salad All Brothers, visiting Brothers, and prospects are welcome Mt Moriah #39 Stated Meeting – Wednesday, October 7th at 7:30 Monthly business meeting All Brothers and visiting Brothers are welcome Opening on the…