Wednesday, 15th – Education Night
On Wednesday, the 15th. Mt. Moriah #39 will hold an Education Night. Prospects, family, and all Masons are encouraged to attend. Casual attire and we start at 7PM.
On Wednesday, the 15th. Mt. Moriah #39 will hold an Education Night. Prospects, family, and all Masons are encouraged to attend. Casual attire and we start at 7PM.
This Wednesday, January the 8th. Mt. Moriah will hold our Stated Meeting. Dinner: 6:30 PM – All Masons and perspectives are welcome. Stated Meeting: 7:30 PM – All Masons are encouraged to attend. Suit and Tie.
Mount Moriah #39 has the following events planned for January: Wednesday, January 1st Lodge is DARK Wednesday, January 8th Stated Meeting dinner 6:30-7:30 PM. This meal is open to all current Masons, and prospective members are welcome. 7:30 PM Stated Meeting. Open to all current and visiting Masons. Suit and tie. Wednesday, January 15th 7…
Mount Moriah #39 has the following events planned this Wednesday, December 25th. Lodge is DARK.
This coming Wednesday, the 18th. Mt. Moriah #39 will have our annual family Christmas potluck dinner. Here are the details: Wednesday, December 18th Mt. Moriah’s family Christmas Potluck dinner. All family members, Masons, and perspectives are welcome to attend this fun event. Casual attire. 6:30 PM Dinner and festivities start
Mount Moriah will hold a Fellowcraft Proficiency and then an education on December 11 at 7 PM. All current and regular Fellowcrafts are invited. Dress: Business casual.
Mount Moriah #39 has the following events planned for December 2024. Wednesday, December 4th It’s our monthly Stated Meeting/Officers Election. 6:30 PM Dinner is served before the Stated Meeting. 7:30 PM Stated Meeting/Officers Election. All Masons are welcome. Suit & tie. Wednesday, December 11th TBD Wednesday, November 18th Mt. Moriah’s family Christmas Potluck dinner. All…
Stated Meeting and the Election of Officers. 6:30 PM Dinner. All Masons, visiting Masons, and prospective members are welcome. 7:30 PM Stated Meeting with Elections. All regular Masons are welcome. Suit & tie.
This Wednesday, the 20th. Mt. Moriah #39 will hold our annual Thanksgiving Family Potluck Dinner. All families, Masons, and perspectives are welcome to attend this fun event—casual attire for the evening. Start time is 6:30 PM.
Mount Moriah #39 has the following events planned for November 2024. Wednesday, November 6th It’s our monthly Stated Meeting. 6:30 PM Dinner is served before the Stated Meeting. 7:30 PM Stated Meeting. All Masons are welcome. Suit & tie. Wednesday, November 13th Lodge is DARK Wednesday, November 20th Mt. Moriah’s family Thanksgiving Potluck dinner. All…