Entered Apprentice Degree on Wednesday 5/13
Come on down and see a new Mason made on Wednesday 5/13 at 7PM. All Brothers and visiting Brothers are welcome!
Come on down and see a new Mason made on Wednesday 5/13 at 7PM. All Brothers and visiting Brothers are welcome!
Greetings It has occurred to me recently how much is asked of the Master of the Lodge, from keeping a budget to ensuring a high caliber of degree work. From trying to keep Meetings relevant and interesting to greeting visiting Brothers and new friends. As I pondered these responsibilities, that I freely accepted, I was…
Greetings from the West Brothers we have had a great year so far. Our Grand Lodge visit last month was another great opportunity to have fellowship with the officers that work hard to help improve Masonry in Nevada. Right Worshipful’s message really hit home. I encourage every brother to reach out to another member of…
Brethren, I bring you Greetings from the South: It is already May and soon we will all be off enjoying the Summer and our tremendous weather. This month will be your last chance to join us for “Food & Fellowship”, Lodge, and family dinner until September. I hope your May plans include this Masonic Lodge…
On Thursday, May 28th at 6PM Mount Moriah will host a Charitable Bowling Tourney at Sunset Station. Open to everyone, including prospects and friends. $25 per person, plus shoe rental. RSVP to the Lodge Secretary. Proceeds are for the Lodge Scholarship Fund.
May 2015 Events at Mount Moriah #39 5/6 Stated Meeting 7:30 5/13 Entered Apprentice Degree 7:00pm 5/20 Fellowship dinner 6:30 PM 5/23 Master Mason Degree Practice 8am 5/27 Master Mason Degree 7 PM
The Stated Meeting for May will be this Wednesday, May 6th, at 7:30. The Lodge will open on the first degree. Dinner will be served starting at 6:30. Visiting Brothers, Brothers, and prospects are welcome at dinner, so let’s see you there!
On Wednesday 4/29 at 7 PM Mount Moriah #39 will open on the Master Mason degree to hear third degree proficiencies from two Brothers. Come on down and support our two new Master Masons!
On Wednesday, April 22nd, Mt Moriah #39 will open at 7PM on the Second Degree of Freemasonry. Two events are on the schedule: A lecture by Brother Holder on education in Southern Nevada A Fellowcraft proficiency will be delivered All Brothers and visiting Brothers are welcome!
On Saturday May 2nd the Southern Nevada Masters and Warden’s Association will confer a Master Mason Degree under the charter of Nellis Lodge #46. Speak with your Lodge Wardens for more information!