The Secretary's Jewel

From the Secretary – September 2015

Welcome back from summer everyone. I hope your summer was as much fun as mine, and hope you come by lodge to see the work we completed this year and to join us in food, fellowship and fun at all our meetings.

I would also like to invite all of you to bring your families and come to our 5th annual Pool Party/BBQ Labor Day from 8am-8pm serving food and refreshments in air conditioning with several pools to enjoy and of course participate in fellowship with your Masonic Family. The Party will be at 8601 S Las Vegas Blvd, Please RSVP by phone to the number below, for room number and additional info. September also brings with it the end of our Masonic year with reports due Grand Lodge and our annual Grand Lodge meeting in November. Also Dues notices will be coming to you in October for 2016. Finally, please plan to attend September stated to also hear the annual communication of the HTA.
Hope to see you all soon.
Mike Harris
Secretary MM39