George Washington Dinner this week – Feb 17th
Mount Moriah #39 and Acacia Lodge #49 will host a George Washington Memorial Dinner at Acacia Lodge, 2929 Van Der Meer St. North Las Vegas, NV 89030. The dinner will start at 6.
Mount Moriah #39 and Acacia Lodge #49 will host a George Washington Memorial Dinner at Acacia Lodge, 2929 Van Der Meer St. North Las Vegas, NV 89030. The dinner will start at 6.
Mt Moriah #39 will hold an Entered Apprentice Degree on Wednesday, Feb 10th at 7PM. All Brothers and visiting Brothers are welcome.
Mt Moriah #39 will open this Wednesday, February 3rd for our Stated Meeting at 7:30. Dinner will be served at 6:30. The lodge will open on the first degree.
Here are the upcoming events at Mt Moriah #39 for February 2016. Please note that there is not a “Family Dinner” this month as we are having the annual George Washington dinner at Acacia Lodge. Wednesday February 3 at 6:30 – Casual dinner – All Brothers, visiting Brothers, and prospects are invited Wednesday February 3…
Greetings from the East, January was a month that weighed heavy on my heart. Two Mt. Moriah brothers were laid to rest and though it was an honor to be a part of their funeral rituals and celebrate their lives with their families, it is an understatement to say that they will be missed. It…
Brethren, In tribute to our February George Washington Observance Event, I take the opportunity to use my space in this month’s Trestleboard to share an excerpt from “George Washington, The Mason” as available on The George Washington Masonic National Memorial Website. George Washington joined the Masonic Lodge in Fredericksburg, Virginia at the age of 20…
Brethren, I’m most certain that a good time was had by all that attended the January fellowship dinner. Gentlemen I strongly encourage you to partake in our dinners, sit with and gain some knowledge from some of our more experienced Masons. I guarantee you will come away with added value. As February approaches we have…
Brethren, Dues notices have gone out and your prompt attention will ensure that the lights stay on and we can continue with our true purpose, making good men better. Also our annual Super Bowl Party is coming up and I plan to serve and plan next years event hoping to either build the event or…
Mt Moriah #39 will hold a Fellowcraft Degree Practice on Wednesday January 20 at 7th.
Brothers, I first want to thank you for electing me to be your Worshipful Master for 2016. I hope to continue many of the great aspects of our lodge as well as increase our outreach programs to help those in need. I know this year will fly by just as quickly as last year did…