Education – January 18th
Mt Moriah #39 will be holding an education night Wednesday, January 18th at 11PM.
Mt Moriah #39 will be holding an education night Wednesday, January 18th at 11PM.
Mt Moriah #39 will host a family dinner on Wednesday, January 11th at 6:30. All Brothers, visiting Brothers, prospective members, family, friends, and invited guests are welcome.
The Worshipful Master, Wardens, Officers, and Brothers of Mt Moriah #39 after the installation of Officers in December 2016.
Mt Moriah #39 will have the following events and meetings in January 2017. Monday, January 2nd, at 6. HTA Meeting. For all members of the HTA. Wednesday, January 4th, at 6:30. Casual dinner from 6:30 to 7:30, followed by the monthly stated business meeting at 7:30. All Brothers, visiting Brothers, and prospective members are invited…
Mt Moriah #39 will host our annual Holiday Dinner and party on Wednesday, December 21st at 6:30 PM. All Brothers, visiting Brothers, prospective members, family, and friends are invited to a holiday-style dinner. No meeting will be held.
Mt Moriah #39 will hold our installation of officers on Wednesday, December 14th. Dinner will be at 6. Installation will be at 7. All Brothers, visiting Brothers, prospective members, family, friends, and invited guests are welcome to both dinner and the installation.
Here are the upcoming events at Mt Moriah #39 for December 2016. Wednesday – December 7, Casual Dinner at 6:30 followed by Stated Meeting at 7:30. The dinner is open to all Brothers, visiting Brothers, and prospective members. The meeting at 7:30 is open to all Brothers and visiting Brothers. The lodge will open on…
The next meeting of Mt Moriah #39 will be on Wednesday, Nov 30th at 7PM. We will be having a Fellowcraft Degree. All Brothers and visiting Brothers are welcome. There is no meeting on the 23rd because of the Thanksgiving Holiday.
Mt Moriah #39 will host a Pot Luck “Thanksgiving -Style” dinner on Wednesday, November 9th at 6:30. All Brothers, visiting Brothers, prospective members, family, and friends are invited. Please let the Junior Warden know what you will be bringing!
Mount Moriah #39 will meet as follows in November 2016. Wednesday, 11/2, Casual Dinner at 6:30. All Brothers, visiting Brothers, and prospective members are invited. Wednesday 11/2, Stated Meeting at 7:30. All Brothers and visiting Brothers are invited. Meeting will be held on the First Degree. Wednesday, 11/9, Family Dinner at 6:30. All Brothers, visiting…