Wednesday – April 26th – Third Degree Proficiency & Education
Mt Moriah #39 will open on the Third Degree at 7PM on Wednesday, April 26th for a Master Mason proficiency and education. The educational lecture will be delivered by Brother Hales PM.
Mt Moriah #39 will open on the Third Degree at 7PM on Wednesday, April 26th for a Master Mason proficiency and education. The educational lecture will be delivered by Brother Hales PM.
Mt Moriah #39 will be conferring an Entered Apprentice Degree on Wednesday, April 19th at 7PM. All Brothers and visiting Brothers are invited.
Mt Moriah #39 will hold a family dinner on Wednesday, April 12th at 6:30PM. All Brothers, visiting Brothers, family, friends, prospective members, and invited guests are welcome.
Mount Moriah #39 has the following events for April 2017. Wednesday, April 5 – Casual Dinner at 6:30, Stated Meeting 7:30. All Brothers and visiting Brothers and prospective members are invited to dinner. The meeting at 7:30 is for all Brothers and visiting Brothers. Wednesday, April 12 – Family Dinner 6:30. Open to all Brothers,…
From the East WM Tony York I want to thank the Representatives from NV Rainbow Girls Daylite # 22 who spoke to us on March 15th as part of our observance of March as Nevada Masonic Youth Month. As spring arrives, we have been busy with activities and an increase in visitors. When at lodge…
Brother John B was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason on Wednesday, March 22nd. Congratulations!
Mount Moriah #39 heard a presentation by Carolyn Coffman, representing Daylight #22, International Order of the Rainbow GIrls last Wednesday. The Lodge also provided a donation for this amazing Masonic youth group.
On Wednesday, March 22nd at 7 PM, Mt Moriah #39 will hold a Master Mason Degree. All Brothers and visiting Brothers are welcome to attend and help bring a Brother to more light in Masonry.
Mt Moriah will open on the Second Degree for an educational lecture and a Second Degree proficiency on Wednesday, March 15th at 7 PM. All Brothers and visiting Brothers are welcome. Prospective members are welcome to stop by before the meeting begins.
We will have a family dinner on March 8th at 6:30. Dinner is open to all Brothers, visiting Brothers, family, friends, invited guests, and prospective members.