Closure Notice
Due to the COVID-19 issue, Mount Moriah Lodge #39 is canceling all events, meetings, degrees, and other gatherings until May 6th. A schedule for May will be posted in late April as conditions are reassessed.
Due to the COVID-19 issue, Mount Moriah Lodge #39 is canceling all events, meetings, degrees, and other gatherings until May 6th. A schedule for May will be posted in late April as conditions are reassessed.
Brothers, I cannot believe it is already June and with that, our break for the summer. Many of us will spend extra time with our families this summer or take a chance to escape the heat and travel. As we use our break to relax and rest, don’t forget though to reach out to brothers…
Greetings from the East, As Master of Mt. Moriah Lodge one of my top priorities for the year has been to provide opportunities for training and personal growth. So far, we have held multiple education nights as well as meetings dedicated to practicing degree work. As a result, I have had several brothers share with…
Greetings from the East, Brothers, I have to start by thanking everyone for a fantastic GMOV. Chef Dia has once again given us an amazing dinner and reception. The Grand Master was very happy to have such wonderful food. I want to thank Tracy, Kylia, and Kendall as well for lending a hand not only…
Greetings from the East, Brothers, we had another great George Washington dinner with our Brothers from Acacia Lodge #49. Thank you to all of the Brothers and families of Acacia that helped put together such a wonderful gathering. During March, Mt. Moriah is honored to receive M. W. Mark L. Mancha, Grand Master of Masons…
Greetings from the East, January was a month that weighed heavy on my heart. Two Mt. Moriah brothers were laid to rest and though it was an honor to be a part of their funeral rituals and celebrate their lives with their families, it is an understatement to say that they will be missed. It…
Brothers, I first want to thank you for electing me to be your Worshipful Master for 2016. I hope to continue many of the great aspects of our lodge as well as increase our outreach programs to help those in need. I know this year will fly by just as quickly as last year did…
Greetings! Hello my Brothers. As the shadow of our year grows longer, it is again time to begin discussing Grand Lodge Resolutions, The Holiday Season and the Masonic Town Hall Meeting. The G.L. Resolutions will be read at the Stated Meetings in October and November. Our Lodge will vote at the November Stated on the…
Greetings, I hope all of you had a pleasant summer and got a chance to relax with family and friends. Although I couldn’t tell by the weather, summer is apparently ending and September is upon us. Once again we pick up our working tools and return to the quarry. I am eagerly anticipating getting back…
My Brothers, so far, in my opinion we have enjoyed an excellent Masonic year. The Ritual Work has been good, the food and fellowship has been great and being able to be in Lodge with all of you has been outstanding. As we go “dark” for the summer I hope all of you get a…