Masonic Video: About Freemasonry
Our Brothers in Massachusetts made this wonderful video about Freemasonry. Please enjoy and share.
Our Brothers in Massachusetts made this wonderful video about Freemasonry. Please enjoy and share.
Most Worshipful Mark L. Mancha issues a challenge to all Masons in Nevada: Assemble as many Masons as possible at the 2016 Installation of Officers of Nevada Grand Assembly of the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls (IORG). As a past State Rainbow Dad, M.W. Mark has a special place in his heart for…
Brothers, I cannot believe it is already June and with that, our break for the summer. Many of us will spend extra time with our families this summer or take a chance to escape the heat and travel. As we use our break to relax and rest, don’t forget though to reach out to brothers…
Brethren, Summer is here and as this is our last Trestleboard before September. I would like take my column to address two topics. First, I would like to present to the lodge and HTA members the two proposed By-Law changes (amendments) that the HTA board will be introducing at the June stated meeting and after…
Brethren The summer break is upon us, and personal time will be abundant. It will be wise of us to use this time to practice on our proficiency and rituals! Many brothers have indicated that they are willing to donate their time and resources to us as needed, I will definitely be taking advantage of…
Brethren, Well another spring has come and gone, hope you all took a moment to smell the flowers and not just let life pass you by. Stay tuned in to our website over the summer for summer events scheduled and unscheduled and other opportunities to gather together and enjoy fellowship over the months our Lodge…
Here are the upcoming events at Mt Moriah #39 for June 2016. Wednesday June 1, Casual Dinner 6:30-7:30, All Brothers, visiting Brothers, and prospects are welcome. Our stated meeting will immediately follow at 7:30. The meeting is for Masons only and the Lodge will open on the first degree. The Lodge will be dark until…
On Wednesday, May 25th at 7PM, Mt Moriah #39 will hold an educational lecture on the history of the Illuminati and their Masonic ties. This lecture is open to all Brothers, visiting Brothers, prospective members, family, and friends. Our lecturer for the evening will be Worshipful Brother Keir Hales. WB Hales’ educational events have been…
Mt Moriah #39 will hold an officer’s practice this Wednesday, May 18th, 2016, at 7PM.
Greetings from the East, As Master of Mt. Moriah Lodge one of my top priorities for the year has been to provide opportunities for training and personal growth. So far, we have held multiple education nights as well as meetings dedicated to practicing degree work. As a result, I have had several brothers share with…