Wednesday, March 22nd – Family Dinner
On Wednesday, March 22nd at 6:30 Mt Moriah #39 will hold a family dinner. All Masons, prospective members, guests, family, and friends are welcome. Casual dress.
On Wednesday, March 22nd at 6:30 Mt Moriah #39 will hold a family dinner. All Masons, prospective members, guests, family, and friends are welcome. Casual dress.
On Wednesday, March 15th at 7PM Mount Moriah will hold a lecture by Worshipful Brother Dr Eduardo Jesús Arismendi-Pardi Ed.D. on the topic of Ethnomathematics. This lecture is open to all Masons, prospective members, family, and friends. There will not be a formal meeting. Casual dress.
On Wednesday, March 8th at 7PM, Mount Moriah #39 will hold an Entered Apprentice Degree. All current Masons and visiting Brethren are invited. Jacket & tie.
On Wednesday, February 22nd, Mount Moriah #39 will be joining Acacia Lodge #49 at their Lodge for the annual George Washington dinner and Celebration. Activities will commence at 6PM at 2929 Van Der Meer St.
At 7:00 PM Mount Moriah #39 will hold a Second Degree. All current and visiting Fellow Crafts and Master Masons are invited. Suit and tie.
Mount Moriah #39 has the following events planned for February 2023. Wednesday, February 1st Most Worshipful Kevin P. McCans, Grand Master of Masons in Nevada, will attend Mt Moriah Lodge #39 for his official visit. It’s also our monthly Stated Meeting. 6:30 PM Dinner is served before the Stated Meeting. 7:30 PM Stated Meeting. The…
On Wednesday, January 25th at 6:30 PM, Mount Moriah will have a Family Dinner. All Masons, prospective members, guests, family, and friends are welcome. Casual dress.
Mount Moriah #39 will hold a Master Mason Degree on Wednesday, January 18th at 7PM. All Master Masons are invited. Suit & tie.
Mount Moriah #39 will hold our December Stated Meeting on Wednesday, January 4th. 6:30 – 7:30 PM: Dinner. Open to all current and visiting Masons. Prospective members are also welcome to join us. 7:30 PM – Stated Meeting. Suit and tie.
Mount Moriah #39 has the following events planned for January 2023. Wednesday, January 4th 7:30 PM Stated Meeting. All Masons and visiting Masons are welcome. Suit & tie. Wednesday, January 11th 7:00. PM. Mount Moriah #39 will hold a Third Degree. All current and visiting Master Masons are invited. Suit and tie. Wednesday, January 18th 7:00….