Wednesday, May 31st. Mt. Moriah is dark.
Mt. Moriah will be dark this coming Wednesday, the 31st.
Mt. Moriah will be dark this coming Wednesday, the 31st.
On Wednesday, May 24th at 6:30 Mount Moriah will hold a Special Family Dinner. – Hawaiin Night – All Masons, prospective members, guests, family, and friends are welcome. Please wear something Hawaiian or Island-themed casual attire.
Mt. Moriah will be dark this coming Wednesday, the 17th.
On Wednesday, May 10th, Mount Moriah #39 will hold a Master Mason degree at 7PM. All current and visiting Master Masons are invited. Suit & tie.
Mount Moriah #39 has the following events planned for May 2023. Wednesday, May 3rd. 6:30-7:30PM Dinner. Open to all current and visiting Masons. Prospective members are also welcome to join us. 7:30PM Stated Meeting. Open to all current and visiting Masons. Suit and tie. Wednesday, May 10th, 7:00. PM. Mount Moriah #39 will hold a…
On Wednesday, April 26th at 6:30 Mount Moriah will hold a Family Dinner. All Masons, prospective members, guests, family, and friends are welcome. Casual dress.
Mt. Moriah will be dark on Wednesday night, the 19th.
On Wednesday, April 12th at 7PM, Mount Moriah #39 will hold a Master Mason Degree. All current and visiting Master Masons are invited. Suit and tie.
Mt. Moriah will hold our Stated Meeting this coming Wednesday, April 5th. 6:30-7:30PM Dinner. Open to all current and visiting Masons. Prospective members are also welcome to join us. 7:30PM Stated Meeting. Open to all current and visiting Masons. Suit and tie.
Mount Moriah #39 has the following events planned for April 2023. Wednesday, April 5th 6:30-7:30PM Dinner. Open to all current and visiting Masons. Prospective members are also welcome to join us. 7:30PM Stated Meeting. Open to all current and visiting Masons. Suit and tie. Wednesday, April 12th 7:00. PM. Mount Moriah #39 will hold a…