From the East – June 2016
Brothers, I cannot believe it is already June and with that, our break for the summer.
Many of us will spend extra time with our families this summer or take a chance to escape the heat and travel. As we use our break to relax and rest, don’t forget though to reach out to brothers and widows who might need an extra hand when it is often too much to get outdoors. We have one project already planned to help out MW Bud Shed and I am sure we will have more throughout the months off. We will, of course, update our website and Facebook page with all necessary information as plans are made.
If at any point you are in need of any assistance please do not hesitate to get a hold of myself or any other brother. Finally, my brothers, I hope you all have a great summer and I look forward to sitting with you in lodge.
Eric Holder, WM