October 12th – Chili Cook-off & Family Dinner
Mt Moriah #39 will host a Chili Cook-off on Wednesday, October 12th at 6:30 PM. All lodges, appendant & concordant bodies are invited to participate! Individual and family entries are also welcome.
Mt Moriah #39 will host a Chili Cook-off on Wednesday, October 12th at 6:30 PM. All lodges, appendant & concordant bodies are invited to participate! Individual and family entries are also welcome.
Mount Moriah #39 will have a casual dinner from 6:30 to 7:30 on Wednesday October 5th. All Brothers, visiting Brothers, and prospective members may attend. The stated monthly business meeting will immediately follow at 7:30. The lodge will open on the First Degree. All Brothers and visiting Brothers are welcome.
Mt Moriah #39 will be conferring a Fellowcraft degree on Wednesday September 28th at 7PM. All Brothers and visiting Brothers are welcome.
On Monday, September 19th at 6PM Mt Moriah #39 is holding a practice for the Master Mason degree to be held on Wednesday. All officers and those with parts in the degree should attend. On Wednesday, September 21st at 7, Mt Moriah #39 will hold a Master Mason Degree. All Master Masons are invited.
Family Dinner on Wednesday 9/14 at 6:30. All Brothers, visiting Brothers, prospective members, family, and friends are invited.
Mt Moriah #39 will have casual dinner this Wednesday, 9/7, at 6:30. All Brothers, visiting Brothers, & prospective members are invited. The September stated meeting will follow at 7:30. All Brothers and visiting Brothers are invited. The Lodge will open on the EA degree for the stated meeting.
Mount Moriah #39 will meet as follows in August/September 2016. Wednesday, 8/31, Officer’s meeting after HTA Wednesday, 9/7, Casual Dinner at 6:30. All Brothers, visiting Brothers, and prospective members are invited. Wednesday 9/7, Stated Meeting at 7:30. All Brothers and visiting Brothers are invited. Meeting will be held on the First Degree. Wednesday, 9/14, Family…
Most Worshipful Mark L. Mancha issues a challenge to all Masons in Nevada: Assemble as many Masons as possible at the 2016 Installation of Officers of Nevada Grand Assembly of the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls (IORG). As a past State Rainbow Dad, M.W. Mark has a special place in his heart for…
Here are the upcoming events at Mt Moriah #39 for June 2016. Wednesday June 1, Casual Dinner 6:30-7:30, All Brothers, visiting Brothers, and prospects are welcome. Our stated meeting will immediately follow at 7:30. The meeting is for Masons only and the Lodge will open on the first degree. The Lodge will be dark until…
On Wednesday, May 25th at 7PM, Mt Moriah #39 will hold an educational lecture on the history of the Illuminati and their Masonic ties. This lecture is open to all Brothers, visiting Brothers, prospective members, family, and friends. Our lecturer for the evening will be Worshipful Brother Keir Hales. WB Hales’ educational events have been…