From the Secretary – November 2014


Well another year has come and is nearly gone. I am thankful for all of you. The brethren who attend lodge regularly as well as those who stay home. The ones I see weekly and the ones I catch on the phone once a year. Those that help in everything we do and those that have complaints all year long, you all make it a better lodge. I know some think one thing or another can be done better but I offer you this; every year is different, every year has unique challenges you may be completely in the dark about, however somehow each year we manage through our difficulties, regardless of how imperfect it may look, it is how it is meant to be. Have faith my brethren in your brothers elect and appointed, keep supporting regardless of how you do it.

You are part of that perfect imperfection.

Happy Holidays, hope to see and talk to you all soon.

Mike Harris