Brother Tony York Presents Gavel Set to Mount Moriah #39
At the December Stated Meeting, Brother Tony York presented a Gavel Set to Mount Moriah Lodge, to be shown in our display case outside the lodge room.
The inscription reads:
This Gavel Set is made of stone from the quarry in Jerusalem that was said to have supplied the stone for the building of King Solomon’s Temple.
This set was presented as a token of friendship by Worshipful Brothers David J. York and Thomas G. York, Past Masters of Summit City Lodge #170 F.&A.M., Fort Wayne, Indiana.
David and Thomas are the Uncle and Father of Anthony York, a member of [Mount Moriah] Lodge.
The interior of the gavel set box.
From Left to Right, Brother Eric Holder, Brother Tony York, Worshipful Master Isaias Vargas, and Senior Warden Keir Hales.
Exterior Detail of the Gavel Set Box
The gavels will be shown in the display case at Mount Moriah Lodge.
The gavels and pedestals in the box.
The gavels are marked with the square and compass.