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Officer’s Messages – January 2023

From the East


I wanted to thank the Lodge for your trust in me. I hope to live up to your expectations. I also wanted to thank the Brothers for an awesome installation. I am very excited to serve Mount Moriah as Worshipful Master. I am hoping to emphasize Masonic education this year, starting with educational presentations by Worshipful Brothers Alan and Edwardo at our stated meetings. Please let the educational committee know if any brother is interested in a specific topic.
For January, our stated meeting will be on January 4th. We will have two Master Mason degrees in January, on the 11th and the 18th. If anyone is interested in participating in the degrees, please see the Senior Warden.
And lastly, I wanted to thank Worshipful Brother Delvin Bourn for his excellent year. I also think that our past Junior Warden, Cristian, did an excellent job!

Fraternally yours,

Kevin Webster, WM

From the West

Brethren, Happy Holidays!

First, I would like to congratulate all newly installed elected and appointed officers! Congratulations,  Worshipful Master Kevin Webster!  It is an honor to serve our lodge as Senior Warden, and I am grateful for all your support. With your help and regular and systematic rehearsals, we can smooth out our ritual work.

On January 11 and 18, 2023, are scheduled for two Master Mason degrees. Please, be prepared accordingly.  Together we will bring out the best of 2023.

Looking forward to an excellent year! Happy New Year!

Fraternally from the West,

Vasile Cristian Gliga, Senior Warden

From the South


As we take on another Masonic year, we remember to give thanks, and cherish our present opportunities. The beauty of the day should be valued by exhibit of upright behaviors and punctuality.
In the South, there is plenty of sunshine, let’s share it!

Fraternally from the South,

Bedford Jackson, Junior Warden

From the Secretary


Thank you for the opportunity to serve our Lodge as Secretary, It is an honor and I will do my best, including bothering you with dues notices. If you have ideas to make our trestleboard more effective and attractive please email me, remember is our lodge and our trestleboard.


Juan Soto, Secretary