Image of the Master's Gavel

Officer’s Messages – April 2019

From the East
WM Eric Willson

I would like to extend my thanks to everyone who made the month of March a success. While we still need a touch more polish, it is a true pleasure to see how professional our degree work has been.

We have several more degrees before the summer. At the beginning of the year, I asked many of you to consider learning some Third-Degree parts. Game time is around the corner!

My Brothers, I would like to take this opportunity to ask that we all make an effort to visit the lodges that meet in our building. We have just invited a third, and it would be good for us to meet the many masons who call our home theirs as well!

Fraternally yours,
Eric Willson
Worshipful Master

From the West
Bro John Krikorian

Be advised that we will be re-voting on a by-law change during the May Stated Meeting. As this is the Trestle Board which will be distributed in March, you will have more than 30 days’ notice.

Notice was also given in the March stated meeting and will be given again in April at that stated meeting as well.

The purpose of the by-law change was to allow the lodge, if a stated meeting were to fall on a national holiday, to allow us with due and timely notice to the craft, to move the meeting to the second Wednesday of that month only.

This prevents us from having to meet on a day when many Brothers would be occupied with family and other holiday activities.

John Krikorian
Senior Warden

From the South
Bro Dick Wright

April is coming upon us, so, for the Stated Communication on the 3rd of April we will be having something special at 6:30pm. One of our own Master Masons, George Wilson, will be making Navaho Fried Bread Tacos.

At the Family Dinner on the 24th of April at 6:30pm we will have Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo and garlic bread sticks with a green Salad, hope you will enjoy.

Dick Wright
Junior Warden

From the Secretary
Bro Rob Noland

It is, indeed, my pleasure to serve as Lodge Secretary. With each issue that comes my way, I am learning Nevada Masonic Code, appreciating the gentle, but firm, help of Grand Lodge officers, as well as working with the officers of Mt. Moriah #39. Thank you for your trust.

Rob Noland