From the Secretary – April 2016
April 2016 is soon to arrive, plan to spend one night in lodge, whether its dinner or a stated meeting or watching a degree or practice degree, or some sort of educational program…. Your bound to enjoy your evening and catch up with your brothers. Who knows you may even learn something. In any case we sure would love to see you, so look over the schedule and plan on attending at least one night this month and remember what freemasonry is all about. As April brings warmer weather I will be setting the dates for this year’s Summer Pool Party and BBQ, with some changes in mind to add a fundraising twist to support various events for various masonic bodies that meet in our Henderson Temple. There will still be swimming and BBQ to enjoy by all, but we will add some items and/or raffles as part of the fundraiser. To help brainstorm and make this a success, text or email me your ideas.
Mike Harris PM
Secretary MM39